Tag Archives: challenge for thought

Comfort Zones And Lobsters

Lobsters? Who cares? Comfort zone? Maybe. But what does the one have to do with the other? Yet.. wisdom can come from unexpected places in totally unsuspecting moments. And it’s not that we don’t know about our comfort zones and … Continue reading

Final Respect

The story of the 11 year old Chinese boy who died last month of brain cancer but not before donating his organs, is a sad yet an uplifting one. But the photo of the doctors paying their respect as his … Continue reading

Lies, Truths, Life

“How good of a liar are you?” I was giving a talk last week in front of a group of smart young aspiring entrepreneurs – and we were discussing the pros and cons of opening up to people you don’t … Continue reading

Innovation Chief of Clowns

Innovation is a “seriously serious” and deliberate matter. Tons has been written, discussed, and debated on how to excite, tickle and grow that thirst for inside out creative and different kind of thinking. But while Fast Company’s Innovation Uncensored event … Continue reading

Careers, Passion and Other Things

Yes, you’ve watched Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement speech a hundred times! But, Larry Smith is hysterically and painfully realistic in his TEDx talk. So, will you simply just ignore your passion? Just like that?

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