Tag Archives: boldness

Small People’s Emotional Psychiatry

“….”I’ll leave the emotional psychiatry to others.”At a White House briefing, Robert Gibbs, the president’s press secretary, shrugged off criticism from some politicians and columnists that the president had not been emotional enough in his response to the spill….” Robert … Continue reading

All About Carol

Unconventional or brash? Rude or powerful? How would you characterize Carol Bartz’s moment of truth? Those of us who have faced hostile media interviewing and know first hand what it really means to have reporters in your face can sympathize … Continue reading

Sisyphus and Proteus: Lessons from Greek Mythology

Why is it that some days we wake up and feel like good old mythical Sisyphus? Remember him? Sisyphus, punished for all eternity to roll a rock up a mountain only to have it roll back down to the bottom … Continue reading

Brains Is All You Need… Or was that Love?

“The scene was memorable. I was sitting in a Singapore ballroom when the British head of a global oil company told his top managers worldwide about what they needed to succeed in their company in the future. Like the other … Continue reading

Batman and Spiderman: Lessons from Superheroes

What We Can Learn from Super Heros “You have all the power you need for the task you have ahead of you!” so smiles Nilofer Merchant, CEO of Rubicon Consulting, a strategy and marketing consultancy. Her talk (captured on the … Continue reading

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