Coaching Philosophy

My approach is based on Solution Focused Coaching

I offer:

Support for Thought: Creating the climate in which the person can speak freely, bringing into open thoughts what may not previously have been expressed, adding more clarity to their narrative.

Challenge for Thought: A “second voice” that asks the questions the client does not ask him or herself, in order to widen the lens through which they access the information on which they base their decisions.

Challenge for Action: Keeping in focus the need to turn talk into solutions, and solutions into actions to enable the person to do, at least, one thing differently and/or better.

Support for Action: Ensuring that the size of the action is commensurate with the client’s abilities, confidence, resources, and within their control.


  • As you think about your goals, what’s not working well in your company/project/team?
    What are the consequences of this issue for you and for the important people in your team?
  • What is the source of the need to change — is it in you, other people or is it external?

Why Bother?

Is the need to change urgent enough to take action? Because we naturally tend towards continuing the status quo, if doing something new doesn’t feel urgent, it’s not likely to happen.

  • Looking ahead, what will happen if you don’t change?
  • What will happen if you do change?

What’s Your Decision?

The decision to change is a crucial moment because it marks the point when your mind shifts and you begin to see a different future. It is also a fragile point in planned change processes with plenty of temptations to go back to the way things have always been, and many distractions that pull away from the focused effort that’s required to do something new and make it stick.

  • What have you decided to do differently and why?
  • What is the ideal outcome?
  • What are your new goals?

What steps will you take?

  • What are the possible step-by-step actions you can take to make this decision real in your work and life?
  • What exactly will you do, and when will you do it?
  • How will you measure progress?
  • What stands in the way, and how will you overcome these barriers?
  • How will you generate needed support?

Are you really in?

Generating sufficient commitment to follow through is one of the most challenging aspects of any change process. Because commitment wanes without a sense of urgency, think about this:

  • What if this is harder than you think?
  • What are the first steps — and the next steps — you will take?
  • How will you maintain your sense of urgency?

How will you sustain it?

The key questions here are:

  • What impact has your new behavior had on you and others?
  • What accomplishments are you proud of achieving?
  • Is there a smarter step that might help you build momentum?
  • How can I reinforce your commitment to action?

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