Hah? What on earth is a QR code?…(read on and thou shall be rewarded). But first things first: You must remember Winnie The Pooh. Which Character Are You in this video? “When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very “Thingish” inside you, is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it. — Pooh’s Little Instruction Book.
Having already gone fishing – like most lucky few do in the summer – and I now catch myself in this funny mood. Questioning, wondering, thinking, worrying about the new season, the fall, the economy, the politics, the hurricanes, the euro, the unemployment, the future…
It’s the first day of fall (what an ugly word for autumn really) and I feel I have to be ready for the sprint, the signaling shot to leap forward. Habit dances with the peculiar waves of a rhythm left over from our childhood and the melancholy of care-free summer days that always came to an end when the school doors opened.
And we linger… while we are not yet ready to sprint again and fall back into our “normalcy” – what is YOUR normal, really?
Yet inevitably – you’ll go there – like you always do after each summer – and eventually you’ll get right back into character, the role you choose to bring out most of the times. But, while you do what you do best, don’t forget that kids do it better: Playing, laughing, loving, throwing temper tantrums, learning and occasionally being strong enough to cry (even if it doesn’t show).
So, I am getting ready for the new season.
And while I was reminded the other night of all the things I need to get ready by Peter Economides, one of my dearest friends, characters and role playing came to mind. We were discussing marketing, branding, politics, objectives, business plans and QR codes – (for those who are not into geeky stuff just click the link:-) And to the crux of the matter: should I replace my traditional business cards with my QR code risking seeming too much of an alpha geek, incomprehensible, even threatening to some? He claims – and with good reason – that I should not.
Yet part of who I am is this child inside of me who gets excited with learning and trying out new things. And, that’s a big part of me – and I won’t let go of my playfulness and the urge to find out more and more. And this is the part that helps the most when I work – as part of my job is to poke, dig explore – and challenge before I can move into supporting. And yes, I can risk posting about Winnie The Pooh while I can also be serious enough and fluent in the executive and business language (no, letting your inner child out will not harm you).
… Can you? Will you?…