>The Forum has been fed, expanded and ignited! Social media – it’s more than the hype and the coolness.
In my exploration of ideas and ways of making teams work better, I am grateful for the richness of the commentary by creative, open and curious people who share their thoughts and experiences with me.
Having posted a Productivity article on the Triiibes Ning, http://www.triiibes.com/forum/topics/what-is-productivity-how-do – and shifting through the dialogue, I could not avoid wondering what the world would like if only Socrates and Plato had such a platform to react and respond to their rhetoric….
So, time expediency is often the criterion on which reward is calculated. But, what are we missing if we look at it only this way?
See some of the comments here:
Reply by Rex Williams “Well, there are a lot more factors that are part of the equation. I do like the article’s recognition that there are other skills that are valuable in an employee.
But I think the main culprit of poor productivity in today’s office environment is bad multi-tasking. People are usually really busy doing a lot of things, which means that they have a lot of work in process (WIP), but because they are switching from task to task, it takes a long time before one task is completely done.“