Everything is OK [Greek Subtitles]
A friend from Greece sent me this clip today. Subversive, rebellious and painfully sarcastic and critical, it express a certain reality.
A large chunk of it takes place in London, right outside the Reuters HQ in Canary Wharf. Obviously, you shouldn’t watch it. Do your job instead. Or go shopping. One or the other.
Something’s brewing. Something’s off. Things do not feel right – whatever “right” used to be, and frankly, nothing seems like what it used to be anymore. There is financial insecurity, fear of the unknown, desperation that things will shift just like the earth moved in the big recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile.
So, where do you turn? Where is the glimpse of hope that keeps you going?
It’s different for each one of us. For some, it’s who they love. The people who care enough to share their lives and thoughts with you to make you feel less alone on the journey. Connections contribute to happiness – any experience shared with others is enhanced, the joy more intense, the pain less penetrating.
For others, the strength comes from within. Spirituality, beliefs, cognitive power, fantasy or rational thought that winter is always followed by the spring.
But for a certain number of people, there is a empty, hollow space. They simply don’t know. They don’t want to know. They hide their heads in the sand and they keep on doing whatever it is they have to do to get by. And they keep on getting by, oiling the “cog”, just another link in the big chain of humanity, tied into to a bizarre system that simply keeps on ticking – just like a bomb.
“Question Authority.” Who coined the phrase really? Benjamin Franklin or Timothy Leary? Regardless, courage to express what you are thinking should become a mandatory class in elementary school. Maybe… just one day.
Meanwhile, look out the window, turn the TV off or just go into a bookstore or the public library (yes, they still have those around)…

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